Other > Gang Issues

The most hated factions....

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You all should eat butter sandwiches for dinner and join MDK


--- Quote from: TheBobeo on April 01, 2011, 10:43:13 pm ---You all should eat butter sandwiches for dinner and join MDK

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If you are trying to promot MDK recruitment you just failed  :P.


--- Quote from: avv on March 31, 2011, 12:27:58 pm ---Voted wwp. Evil gridcampers, militia-abusers and swarmers.

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You got that right , you send 10-12 men after 3 pk's and 2 of them are in leather jacket + you were grid camping for like 20~ minutes this happened today.

This just shows how pathetic Wasted Worm Phoneys are ;D i mean every fracking idiot could understand your bored and have nothing else to do equals to lame actions.


--- Quote from: headshot on March 31, 2011, 08:48:35 pm ---For what? To hear how cool gangs are?

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No, just because to show how people would post and act in the same way as they did within this topic. And...i am thinking to vote for WWP...avv was right...such grid campers!

I can't imagine why The Dark Brotherhood gets the most votes.  :P


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