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games for boring time

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Fifa ewww.........Cryis 2 on the other hand...I just completed it yesterday but its tooo short :( But looks like there is going to be a third :D


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on March 31, 2011, 02:42:32 am ---Hmmm, Runescape?  Sounds like it.

Oh wait no... runescape is boring your looking for something exciting, right.

Tried any Porn-games lately?

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--- Quote from: brad smalls on March 31, 2011, 04:07:00 am ---lol porn games are wierd

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U guys really need to get some pussy

Uhh.. I play chess with my brother's 7 year old son. Chess is fun. You could try chess.

And thereafter you drink until the chessboard looks like a war zone with several flanking manuevers involving fire teams, machine gun nests and mortar squads. The queen sort of looks like an minge-officer.


--- Quote from: Kamilos93 on March 31, 2011, 09:37:17 am ---old games = 20 years

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Doom wasn't published yet.

Old games are you talking about arcades ? :D

He asked for a game thats exciting when he's bored.

So I suggested porn games.  Very exciting when you're bored no?

Surf, Shut it, porn has been in games since duke nukem and pac-man, despite what you may think.

Kiki123, what are you doing here if you're such a badass girl-magnet then?


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