Of course NO.
If you need to know reasons again, just use search - there were lots of discussions about it and people had (and still have) the reasons to say "no".
- you could as well resign from nicknames, nicknames don't count when all you need is a stupid colour above player's name so you can quickly choose whether to shoot him or not (it's probably that "feature" which Cryofluid was talking about),
- so many people whining about the fact that this game is more quake than fallout, then same people want to colorise characters.. again, team deathmatch?

- making big alliances as complicated as pressing CTRL+C CTRL+V,
- a lot of additional out-of-game gang-management to make sure your gang's list includes all its members and its enemies, to make sure everyone has the damn list downloaded and blah blah blah,
- a lot of "why weren't you on our list" or "why you shot him he was on our list as green" special encounters

- "I don't know you but you're red so die, biatch".
It was explained many times that it's just a step back. If any nickname colorising should be introduced again at all, then probably it should be linked to faction's terminal where you could set friend, enemy and others and give them appropriate "colour". Terminals are gonna to be reworked some day, or so they said, right? Still, this is closer to team deathmatch than any roleplay game (why would your character magically know who is red and who is green and who is blue?).