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Author Topic: 28/3/11 New Reno Event  (Read 1371 times)

28/3/11 New Reno Event
« on: March 28, 2011, 03:17:25 pm »

Hello wastelanders, today we had a little event in Reno, I wanted to get some players to gather there and do some mob family roleplay for control of Virgin street where some players represented one family and others represented another family and they discussed why they should control it and then fight it out with switch blades one on one to the death if it came to that.

Unfortunately we couldn't rack up enough players for this but with the players who did manage to come from IRC and NCR, we had a little fun partying on the streets and going to Cats Paw to get some booty as well as hanging out in the jungle gym. Sadly all the gms seemed to be afk, I wanted them to teleport some of us into the boxing ring for a few spars but oh well. Surprisingly we did not get pked and it was pretty fun.

Thanks to everyone who participated and it was nice to visit a place that you don't go very often for non combative reasons. Lets make use of all the other towns and see if we can roleplay in them and get some events happening.

Here are the screenshots:
Keep your head down, your eyes open and your mouth shut.
Re: 28/3/11 New Reno Event
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 03:26:06 pm »

guys, keep it come again  :D i think lot of people like to join but cant.
few times i gatheres mixed team from apk, pk, newbies (10ppl) and we go to reno from ncr. few people randomly die in unavoided encounters and few survive.

once i got 3 guys from new zeland, we got funny time in redding for 3 hours  :D and dont get pked  :D
but i got psycho imagination and cant make good events  ;)  :(
so just make it again and again  :)

Let the Force be with You.
Re: 28/3/11 New Reno Event
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2011, 03:41:41 pm »

Thats the spirit! I'll try and do as many events as I can ;) and everyone else should try too, anyone can make a event!
Keep your head down, your eyes open and your mouth shut.
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