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Updater problems on linux
K i configured fonline on my ubuntu, everything works fine, but since new updater i have a problem somehow. It doesnt turn on, or if it does it always says cannot connect to server, so now i have to go to windows, update fonline there, and copy new files to linux, can you make updater similar to the old one, where you can chose server ip and port, so that linux players wont have updating problems. Thank you.
The updater takes the ip and port from the fonline.cfg, exactly like the old one.
in the old one you could write it manually :>
Well it works fine now, topic can be closed or deleted :>
And why does it work fine now?
i dont really know, didint changed anything at all, but well it still works with problems :> Sometime it just doesnt load, and you need to do several dumb steps to get it loaded, well at least it loads after all, i can live with that :>
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