Other > Closed suggestions

Targeting cone for burst weapons


When you have the range lines activated and are targetting something with a weapon that has spread it would be cool to have a cone spread out from the player in yellow lines to show where the spread will go. It's hard to tell sometimes even when enemies are grouped together which ones are in the area of effect. Same could go for grenades as well, there would be a circle around targets you mouse over.

Nice idea, it would be pretty usefull.

Frozen Mind:
Hell no! It still have to be a mystery. Even FOV is temporary here.

actually its quite simple to imagine - aoe is just 2 hex or so around the target.
Burst goes like this  http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/5391/conj3.png


--- Quote from: Attero on January 31, 2010, 10:01:10 pm ---actually its quite simple to imagine - aoe is just 2 hex or so around the target.
Burst goes like this  http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/5391/conj3.png

--- End quote ---

\thing is with the flamer its hard to tell what is going to get hit, usually its a direct line but sometimes it hits people from the side.


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