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Where i can learn big guns 3

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--- Quote from: gordulan on February 17, 2010, 06:14:12 pm ---thanks solar, now don't add requirements until i can get energy expert lvl 3  ;)
always wanted to be part of the brotherhood of steel, even i i do not get a complimentary power armour for joining, btw, will i be able to command one of thos huge loonies, always wanted a right hand man/woman in power armour, i bet that'd scare the bajeesus out of prospective pkers

--- End quote ---

Pretty much all there is available is entering, getting either BG 3 or Armourer 3 and ... that's pretty much it for now. They are just on in a basic form now to enable BG3 to be there.

We do intend to have missions available from these factions in time and BoS ones would involve palling up with some PA armoured guys, in all probability though.

Oh, what a shame, I thought BG3 will never work before another wipe, so now I think I don't have skills for getting it (lvl 21). :(

Are the requirements for having Big Guns lvl 3:
Repair 120% + Science 90% + Big Guns 135% + ST >6 + AG >6?

They're whatever they are in the wiki, I haven't changed them.

hello, I heard that we can replace the 15 Rocket AP by some 5mm AP for joining the BOS, is it true ? And if it is, how much ammo do we need ?

Hm, 15 rockets should be a lot higher :P Wonder why its not updated yet.

But in answer to your question, yes you can use 5mm AP, it depends on your Charisma. Its ~120 if I remember correctly.


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