Other > Closed suggestions

Vomiting from radiation sickness

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--- Quote from: Nyan on January 31, 2010, 11:09:13 am ---as other guy said in a topic some time ago, there is no real radiation atm. When you get radiated you just hide your items in tent and die, thats it, no radiation at all.

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This reminds me of my old crazy idea - let items gain radiaton level, if owner is radiated. For all items in inventory it will be too harsh, i think, but items currently used (armor + items in hands) - why not?

there is not enough radiation in game, we r forget, that this is post nuclear world with nasty mutants, two headed brahmins etc. so, where is all radiation gone ??! all anti-radiation stuff, like rad-x, rad-a-way is useless. So , what for, u want to add vomiting, if gaining radiation level, till u starts vomit is damn hard


--- Quote from: Alvarez on January 31, 2010, 10:40:03 am ---I think affecting stats by irradiation would be a nice addition.

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They are. And all you people complaining about there not being any rads clearly aren't getting hit by aliens.


--- Quote from: Roachor on January 31, 2010, 08:04:11 pm ---They are. And all you people complaining about there not being any rads clearly aren't getting hit by aliens.

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So how many Rad-Aways and Rad-X's you use?


--- Quote from: Archvile on January 31, 2010, 08:39:27 pm ---So how many Rad-Aways and Rad-X's you use?

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I die from rad poisoning after about 2 fights, its really annoying.


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