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OOC, what does everyone do?


If its not too personal. out of curiosity, what does everyone do?
Im curious what type of people are drawn to Fonline, im guessing a lot of college students for starters?
maybe a few hardcore nerds? ( yes a nerd is a profession XD)

the game is great it has alot of potential and i can start ragging whenever i want woithout some gm telling me to stop + i can kill the guy if i grow tired

I am a 15-year-old pvper with a very limited honor code who likes to kill random people for lootz...  With mercenary/slave swarms....  And tell them why I did it by screaming "because I am an ass hole" or saying "loleyepwnyuu".

At least nowadays since it has gotten quite boring lately, New Reno is the last stronghold for fun.

I would prefer to be piss-poor and struggle to survive but it's not quite balanced to that degree yet.  :'(


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