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Author Topic: Turn based real time combat  (Read 2002 times)


  • Ninja-Nurse
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Turn based real time combat
« on: February 22, 2011, 12:32:39 pm »

Maybe not the best idea of all time but still worth writing down.

The idea is that a turn would always be a fix amount of time and after a turn ends all players regain full AP.

Lets take Alice and Bob. Alice is a ninja, 12 AP, bonus hth attacks for 2AP each. Bob is a grunt, 6AP, a flamer that shoots for 6AP, with brof.

In the current system Bob can run as fast as Alice. Alice should hit 6x in the time Bob shoots once, but the animation speed lets her hit only twice.

In a realtime turn based system Alice would be able to move 12 hex in the same time Bob would move 6. She could strike 6 times per one shot of Bobs.
If a turn would be 6 seconds then Alice would need 0.5 sec to move a hex while Bob would need a full second to do the same. If both would shoot a gun the same animation would be played by both, but for Bob it would take 2/3 sec and 5/12 sec. for Alice.
No matter how many action points one user per turn, when the turn ends all start the next turn with full AP.

In the 2d era there would need to be a wait after some actions to fit the animations to the time and AP they take. In the 3d era every animation can be played in any speed.

This could replace the RT/TB combo with just one system.


  • Imprezobus here!
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Re: Turn based real time combat
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2011, 04:59:51 pm »

I misunderstood one part of post above, so you can delete this post.

RT/TB ballance will be one of 3D era advantages, AFAIK.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2011, 06:53:42 pm by Imprezobus »
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Re: Turn based real time combat
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2011, 05:10:31 pm »

It's good to have some balance and order around but doesn't this kind of ap distribution encourage one ap moves per turn and rest of the aps are spent on camping and looking for enemies? You know like this: step one step, save rest of the aps for looking around if someone happens to step in your LoS. So it basically discourages making bold actions because if you move 10 aps and meet someone who stood still, he gets to shoot and you can't do shit until next turn.
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  • Ninja-Nurse
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Re: Turn based real time combat
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2011, 07:05:13 pm »

It's good to have some balance and order around but doesn't this kind of ap distribution encourage one ap moves per turn and rest of the aps are spent on camping and looking for enemies? You know like this: step one step, save rest of the aps for looking around if someone happens to step in your LoS. So it basically discourages making bold actions because if you move 10 aps and meet someone who stood still, he gets to shoot and you can't do shit until next turn.

The AP spend on moving can add to ones Armor Class (it's harder to hit a moving target), but I don't think that's a big problem. I imagine someone making 1 step per turn if he has 1 more APs then he needs to shoot, then someone who has more AP or a weapon that uses less AP would have a clear advantage over that player. Then again in the current system we have the total opposite - you charge in fire until you use all AP, then duck for cover waiting for the point to regenerate. Is is good bad? Can't say, but for me it looks more like the original TB combat.
Re: Turn based real time combat
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2011, 06:51:18 pm »

I like your idea. But i'd make the turn length to 30 seconds.
Let me explain a little different. What pistacja means, is a new combat mode, where all players turn happen at the same time. Like the combat begins, everyone gets his AP, and can use them as in normal turn based combat. After 30 seconds, every player regains their AP and a new turn starts and so on.

For example: I will write down the fighters.
   You(64HP, 8 AP)
So combat begins. In this battle mode, at the begining of this combat you would get 8 action points, the first raider 7, the second 6. You can attack, move, do all things at the same time until your AP runs out. After 30 seconds, all of you gain the same amout of AP as before. And so on.
Re: Turn based real time combat
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2011, 01:38:15 am »

I like your idea. But i'd make the turn length to 30 seconds.
Let me explain a little different. What pistacja means, is a new combat mode, where all players turn happen at the same time. Like the combat begins, everyone gets his AP, and can use them as in normal turn based combat. After 30 seconds, every player regains their AP and a new turn starts and so on.

For example: I will write down the fighters.
   You(64HP, 8 AP)
So combat begins. In this battle mode, at the begining of this combat you would get 8 action points, the first raider 7, the second 6. You can attack, move, do all things at the same time until your AP runs out. After 30 seconds, all of you gain the same amout of AP as before. And so on.

Nice suggestion, but then everybody would start at the same time (at the beginning of the 30sec counter) making sequence irrelevant. The way to make it relevant, however is to let players start in a way that player with higher sequence starts a second earlier than player with lower sequence. Like you said but:
You (64HP, 8 AP, PE10=sequence 20)
Raider 1 (80HP,7AP, PE8=sequence 16)
Raider 2 (80HP,6AP, PE6=sequence 12)
When the turn starts, You start first, second later Raider 1 starts and another second later Raider 2 joins the turn as well. They all make actions until the turn ends.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 01:42:20 am by MACtic »


  • Ninja-Nurse
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Re: Turn based real time combat
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2011, 10:04:55 am »

It's not good when all you can do is wait. Maybe if the number of AP would determine how fast and how far a player can move then moving can be free (no AP cost). Sequence then would determine when you can attack (or use items or skills), so with low sequence one could only move in the few first seconds while one with high can shoot in that time.
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