Other > Junktown

Another GM

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--- Quote from: Surf on March 06, 2011, 04:47:34 pm ---The world is not a disc, there are different timezones.

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Ups. German Time. [Now 16:50]

i think time shows that no matter how many of them are hired gaps wont change of none being online. Many of them plays on normal player accounts etc, you should try asking for help in irc channel of fonline.

yeah If he is a GM then he should stay online whole time, aint that obvious? HE IS NEEDED!

yeah, I know my jokes are always awesome, you dont have to compliment me :)

For me there are never GMs late at night.  (or, well, morning :P.)

So although I have no idea what time exactly, I'm guessing it's around this time, so yes...  If we got someone that can be relatively on most of the time around that time, yesh.


--- Quote from: vedaras on March 06, 2011, 05:00:26 pm ---i think time shows that no matter how many of them are hired gaps wont change of none being online. Many of them plays on normal player accounts etc, you should try asking for help in irc channel of fonline.

--- End quote ---
Yes, I allready told there.
Many Bad Reactions...
If i would finaly get the Answer "No" I would say "Thats Ok for me"
Like i wrote it in the First Post, I dont wanna be one To spawn Shit, have superpowers and change my Skin
The Game is awsome and i love the Fallout series, Specialy the 2D Generation.
The Multiplayer is Great so i want to Entertain the Game.
You can understand it like

--- Quote ---I spend my Free Time that Other People can Play this Game without Problems
--- End quote ---
Now much of you think, Witch Problems? I can tell you, The whole Afternoon [German-TimeZone] are to less GMs online.
I Talked with a few GMs and got (Half-Way) Positive Reactions.
You can see Here that i really want to Help


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