Other > Gang Issues

Problems with The hawks...

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--- Quote from: -Fojtik- on March 06, 2011, 05:14:38 pm ---
PS: Why you cant be as other normal PKs?

--- End quote ---

I'm special...

Anyway, we can all count this topic as officially closed, as soon as VSB states if they are still blacklisting me or not, TTTLA can do the same.


What "if we are still blacklisting you"l ? Personally i dont care about whole thing so i am not shooting. Same with others, we dont care. Just dont involve VSB to this case  :P


--- Quote from: Hololasima on March 06, 2011, 08:34:33 pm ---What "if we are still blacklisting you"l ? Personally i dont care about whole thing so i am not shooting. Same with others, we dont care. Just dont involve VSB to this case  :P

--- End quote ---

Topic's name has been changed, you're a officially not involved in anyway, sorry for the trouble, and i give my best to the VSB.


We The Sarmatians aka TSAR
believe in redemption of man, not in blacklists and broken egos;

We are the last and only true protectors of civilization and righteousness, and should be treated as nobles, free to go where they please and do what they want unless they break local law.

Shooting at Ulrek will mean dishonour of our ideals and we will protect those with force if necessary.

PS : On his path to redemption, he must follow our lead, if he leaves us, for whatever reason, you may open fire upon him.


The treaty already went poof...



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