Other > Gang Issues

Problems with The hawks...

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I dont care about Ulrek. I wanted from him, to not blame VSB for something what did someone from
different gang.

If Adamz of someone from Hawks give him second chance so lets do it. By PMs or so, not by whole topic.

Just keep VSB name out from it, its not our thing  8)

Or use our troll thread http://fodev.net/forum/index.php?topic=11030.15


--- Quote from: OskaRus on March 04, 2011, 12:58:43 pm ---Mr Ulrek have been repeatedly very rude and inpolite. Not to mention always trolling in bluesuit. By the unwritten laws of the wasteland he sentenced himself to be bursted and bullied every time I meet him.

That is simply wery sad storry.

--- End quote ---

When have i been trolling in a bluesuit? i'll admit, i did insult adamz a few times, but i'm offering to try to fix this, currently i have no idea who adamz is, so i made this thread to get him to come out and talk to me. and maybe to annoy people like [insert annoying person's name here].

*Edit* And to VSB, if you agree to leave this thing with adamz between me and him, and no longer blacklist me, than you'll no longer be involved. but i want your agreement to stop blacklisting me for this, before i remove your name from this thread.


How can you care so much what a few people think?  I am just... in awe.  I realized a long time ago their "blacklist" is just a scare tactic and nothing more.  Chances are your just gonna get shot by them wherever any "anti-pk" gang goes due to paranoia anyways.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on March 04, 2011, 10:44:59 pm ---How can you care so much what a few people think?  I am just... in awe.  I realized a long time ago their "blacklist" is just a scare tactic and nothing more.  Chances are your just gonna get shot by them wherever any "anti-pk" gang goes due to paranoia anyways.

--- End quote ---

I'm trying to join TSAR at least as a friend, and part of that is smoothing out any "issues" with other APK factions. so i'm trying to ask for a peace treaty, trolling aside, i'm just trying to smooth things over, and i'm trying to pay back what i owe adamz, by giving him back what i took from him.

If he just wants to keep fighting than i'll just have to get in to a fight with him the next time i see him.



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