Other > Gang Issues

Problems with The hawks...

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I totally agree with Lordus. Ulrek seems to be a nice guy and I would give him a second chance.

Well Despite this Ooo dey antipk,  I thought that matter was resolved.... that everyone is pk this era?

The main problem is that Adamz keep shooting Ulrek's slave in Redding. If one people from WWP see him shooting a friendly slave who is defending the city again, he'll be considered as a troublemaker and be banned from Redding (when city is under WWP control ofc). What happened in Reno or anywhere else has nothing to do with Redding when the city is under WWP laws.

(I was just talking about Redding, for the rest i've nothing to talk about.)

Mr Ulrek have been repeatedly very rude and inpolite. Not to mention always trolling in bluesuit. By the unwritten laws of the wasteland he sentenced himself to be bursted and bullied every time I meet him.

That is simply wery sad storry.

wow you guys this is the waste land finders keepers i have hat my glorius loot lost HUNDREDS OF TIMES ither shoot the person that took it or forget about it and move on


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