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Changelog 01/03/2011

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I think cutting intrest rates to 0% ist the solution becaouse now players just wont use banks at all, its easier/safer to keep ur milions in ur private base/tent.
I think if u cut intrest rate to 1% and slow down the time needed to "earn" that 1% from 1 real day (as it is now) to for example 3-4 days - then it should be intresting for players enough to keep their money in the bank - and still there shouldnt be that economy breake as we have now.

FOnline client crashes startup for WINE


--- Quote from: Alvarez on March 02, 2011, 10:15:54 am ---The interest was deleted and i can't even get 5 caps out of my account.
Great update, you can keep my donation! >:( >:( >:(

Inb4 lol, nobody cares. Because i expect this anyway.

--- End quote ---

Nothing has really changed, funds will be available as more reserves accumulate in the banks.

The banking system was broken before, to players advantage for a while and then their disadvantage, it will be remade for the wipe and there is nothing else to it.

Rascal made a good point about bank interest. make it profitable but not as much as it was. at least 1% a week.

also, I think it's about time for wipe. this session started half a year ago, the last one was only 5 months long.

when do you plan to wipe the server?

Is the none interest bank a permanent or temporary things ?
Do we have to spend all our money, as the bank ceased to be ?

This is your call, but i would transform all wasteland. (and the leader char will cease to be)


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