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Author Topic: We need more special places/items  (Read 2323 times)


  • The Sarmatian
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We need more special places/items
« on: February 28, 2011, 07:08:27 pm »

Okay first of all im a huge fan of fallout 1 and 2 but i miss about 50% stuff from original game and i would like you to consider getting it back in game. I'm playing this game about 2 months and im already almost bored. Nothing to do.
So i suggest this:
We need more special places like glow. More places where you can obtain some special items and have fun there but really hard obtainning it. Robots, repairing generators, computers, fixing something etc. to get something.
We need more special encounters where you can get some special items or kill some hard critters or get some unique quests.
We need more quests that are revealing some special location of small cities like ghost farm, or warehouse for example.
We need more special items! What happened to power armor? So what if its strong? Find more players that can kill one guy in power armor! Its MMO game! Make it really rare but available in game! Its stupid to have only 3 or 4 good armors in game... In the glow they made power armor but you cant find it? Make it really low chance of spawning in some special locker on some level (not everything on lvl 5) or add more levels or more better add one special place where you can obtain power armor.
What happend with gauss rifle, bozar, vindicator minigun, pulse rifle or pistol,turbo plasma rifle, G11, solar sorcher, alien blaster etc? We need all of it!
Its boring to play with only few good items in game.
Make more unique vaults with various type of items and critters and quests!

I know its a lot of work but if you do this, this game will become much much more fun and there will be x20 more players and much more donation for the game!

Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2011, 07:10:26 pm »

Also the devs should give you money for playing.


  • just some canadian guy
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Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2011, 07:51:22 pm »

vindicator minigun is in game i held one in my hands before cumed a little bit thou but really dude all this shit you just said we all wish it would happen  but that stuff is just to powerfull 1 guy in power armor could kill 5 guys in ba`s in no time and still have good hp. am sure that the devs will make specail places when thay can. they do this on the side they have lives so wait and play the game it gets greater every update so wait and see what the dev`s do.
Roaming the waste again.


  • Drugged Childkiller
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Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2011, 07:59:11 pm »

vindicator minigun is in game i held one in my hands before cumed a little bit thou
Vindocator was IG last session, but I am really not sure for this one.

but really dude all this shit you just said we all wish it would happen  but that stuff is just to powerfull 1 guy in power armor could kill 5 guys in ba`s in no time and still have good hp.

Totally (and I mean REALLY totally) false. BA is almost as good as basic PA, only the ST boost make it better. HPA is great, but don't make you immune to damage, and you are so hardly focus that you will be killed even with it (believe me, i already gone to TC with a HPA.) APA is godlike, but same thing than with HPA, and anyway, there will always be something called "bypass"...
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Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2011, 08:29:58 pm »

we got 1 (or more) special encounter for all now, crashed hummer with team. i have no idea how help npc in this encounter, or this is just like some in fo tactics(no action)

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Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2011, 08:34:01 pm »

we got 1 (or more) special encounter for all now, crashed hummer with team. i have no idea how help npc in this encounter, or this is just like some in fo tactics(no action)

Bug, no Special Encounter. Should not be visible.

As for the OP, stuff like that just takes some time and does't write itself.
Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2011, 08:37:03 pm »

As for the OP, stuff like that just takes some time and does't write itself.
last in more easy language please last.

Let the Force be with You.
Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2011, 01:11:32 am »

The problem with suggestions like these are it is mostly based around "do this and that and i'll be happy, details? you figure that out."

For instance you suggest more quests to do, this being a suggestion board gives you the opportunity to throw in an idea to begin with and you can further develop details of said quest (tasks involved, requirements, rewards etc). Also you could elaborate more on risk vs reward on special encounters/special quest i.e. you stumble on an unconscious wastelander. Maybe you need to heal him first to proceed or starting the dialogue gets him up, he then proceeds to plead for help.

So how about a possible background:
A bunch of raiders has taken his wife hostage in their own home, they roughed him up and left him in the desert but before leaving told him to get them drugs/alcohol/knives/caps or he'll never see his wife again. Your options may be to provide him the requested ransom or go in guns blazing or simply convince the man that you will deliver the ransom (to kill the raiders instead). Upon presenting the ransom (successfully convincing them to leave) or removing the raider threat you may find that they stowed her elsewhere such that killing them all in the map was a lost cause. You may yet salvage a reward from the man but he may offer very little if you looted his house (he has a special stash  ;)). Successful completion may reward a tier 3 weapon they scavenged barely escaping from a deathclaw.

It is something like this i would like to see more of rather than derp too little to do, gib moar quest plox. Or if you would maybe try your hand at mapping


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Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2011, 01:05:03 am »

The problem with suggestions like these are it is mostly based around "do this and that and i'll be happy, details? you figure that out."

For instance you suggest more quests to do, this being a suggestion board gives you the opportunity to throw in an idea to begin with and you can further develop details of said quest (tasks involved, requirements, rewards etc). Also you could elaborate more on risk vs reward on special encounters/special quest i.e. you stumble on an unconscious wastelander. Maybe you need to heal him first to proceed or starting the dialogue gets him up, he then proceeds to plead for help.

So how about a possible background:
A bunch of raiders has taken his wife hostage in their own home, they roughed him up and left him in the desert but before leaving told him to get them drugs/alcohol/knives/caps or he'll never see his wife again. Your options may be to provide him the requested ransom or go in guns blazing or simply convince the man that you will deliver the ransom (to kill the raiders instead). Upon presenting the ransom (successfully convincing them to leave) or removing the raider threat you may find that they stowed her elsewhere such that killing them all in the map was a lost cause. You may yet salvage a reward from the man but he may offer very little if you looted his house (he has a special stash  ;)). Successful completion may reward a tier 3 weapon they scavenged barely escaping from a deathclaw.

That's something I want to read more on these boards. Thanks!
Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2011, 06:31:52 am »

That's something I want to read more on these boards. Thanks!

Thank you.  8)


  • The Sarmatian
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Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2011, 12:23:59 pm »

Okay got it.

Look at this one...
Last couple days me and two my friends made trap near fortress to kill some pkers (usually s8 there) and we made very good position, we often kill 4-5 players when they spawn. I saw that section 8 is using radio distress really lame i mean i dont mind for a command of distress signal and somebody can meet in one place but listen this.
They have 3 or 4 members without equipment scouting for players and only have a radio, and when they find a players they just use distress signal and after 30 secs or one minute, then appears about 5-10 players with 5 mercs or more. Well i would like something like this: He enters and sends a distress signal, and i kill him so the distress signal ends and it no longer exists! This would be fair. Coz its stupid that non equiped players just scouting, and when they find some players,they see their locations in the place and tells to other guys, sends a distress signal and then 10 players with 5 to 10 mercs enter and they already know how many of us there and where are we dead.... our tactic failed. So i would suggest if somebody sends a distress signal it will work as long as you are alive, when you die it will no longer exists... So if they enter full equiped ill have time to try kill them with my own tactic and hidden snipers in map, and that would be fair.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2011, 12:28:59 pm by Vandal »
Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2011, 04:07:49 pm »

Never had that problem but if this works it would be nice, if it isnt implemented it should be added, loot body turn radio off=canceled distress signal.
Re: We need more special places/items
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2011, 12:34:55 am »

Never had that problem but if this works it would be nice, if it isnt implemented it should be added, loot body turn radio off=canceled distress signal.

This sounds better than instant turn off the distress signal on death.

On another note Vandal you seemed to have strayed from the original idea of the thread which was for more content, quests, special encounters and items (hopefully this being tied to either of the aforementioned).
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