Other > Closed suggestions

Countdown Timers: a little UI modification

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Basically, i've come with an idea for On Screen Cooldown indicators - a thing, that (i believe) greatly helps crafters.

Look at a little mockup i created:

Noticed those 3 little timers in right, upper corner of game window?
Those improvements will show player how much cooldown left, and when they reach 0, they simply disappear.
I't will save player's time, because there wont be need for constantly checking pipboy asking myself "can i dig it now?"

I hope somebody will like that idea, and developer team think about it.

Once again I agree, because there was a topic like this before. Hopefully it is possible to be made in the future, because as you can see they are minimalistic and don't annoy you while playing.

Just make it optional and it would be perfect the way it's described.

wrong thread.

I want this one, it would be easier to keep an eye on cooldowns while using the Fix-Boy.


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