FOnline Development > 3D Development
3D Model Repository
Same problem, no animation at all... was able to run "~run debug SetCritParam (critID#) 153 (armor#)" with my player ID, tryed all the armors(models) but still no luck. Have no ideas where to look...
To solve such a prblem change server ip in FOconfig to, then run an updater. After the update process all animations will work.
--- Quote from: Jlekc on February 24, 2011, 10:06:52 pm ---Same problem, no animation at all... was able to run "~run debug SetCritParam (critID#) 153 (armor#)" with my player ID, tryed all the armors(models) but still no luck. Have no ideas where to look...
To solve such a prblem change server ip in FOconfig to, then run an updater. After the update process all animations will work.
--- End quote ---
Yes but it is only for your server?
I got executing script failure I cant play and register character o my own server. How can I solve it?
Can't test it, but i believe that its all bout server revision... just need to know what version Karpov has used.
Any help?
If you think the problem is the server you can try singleplayer. Just create a shortcut to the FOnline.exe and add Singleplayer at the end of the command line.
If Jlekc made it work running the updater to that server, it might have downloaded a new executable. I downloaded the sdk some time ago, but never updated it. I'll see if I can upload my exe.
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