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We need your support!

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Ok Need help, want to donate but the pay pal site that the link takes me to is not in English.  I do not put my info into something I can't read, it's just how I feel.  If someone can link me to the English one, or a way to convert the page since I didn't even find that button on that page I'd be very thankful.  Especially since I have some spare money I want to help these guys out. 

Thanks in advance.


--- Quote from: Trokanis on May 15, 2011, 07:37:24 am ---Ok Need help, want to donate but the pay pal site that the link takes me to is not in English.  I do not put my info into something I can't read, it's just how I feel.  If someone can link me to the English one, or a way to convert the page since I didn't even find that button on that page I'd be very thankful.  Especially since I have some spare money I want to help these guys out. 

Thanks in advance.

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when you right-click anywhere isn't there a command with the word "Translate" somewhere?  e.g. "Translate with Live Search"

No I checked that already.  Sadly I tried most the easy ways I could think of.  I find it strange the Pay Pal site itself doesn't seem to have a switch button, since I have been to English Text Pay Pal before.

What I can say is that domination will most likely not make it into the next update. While the system behind it is as good as done (as far as I know), we still are lacking lots of (tactical) maps for it.

The update for npc factions will be rather small as well. What we worked on the past weeks have been mainly changes to the follower system, various quests and a new quest editor (and other stuff here and there), while the editor took the most of the worktime. I wanted to write a blogpost about it already some time ago, but never got the time to do so, due to a new job which occupies most of my free time now.


--- Quote from: Lexx on May 15, 2011, 10:11:46 am ---What I can say is that domination will most likely not make it into the next update. While the system behind it is as good as done (as far as I know), we still are lacking lots of (tactical) maps for it.

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