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I  think it will be worst era of donate ever, and this dont surprising me:)


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 30, 2011, 03:00:35 am ---But this game is the "Fallout" franchise which legally, unless they get a deal with bethesda, cannot have players pay for things regarding the game.  Thus, no, it doesn't work the other way around, not openly anyways.  It's kind of a sub-concious way.  "oooo cool game and its free, I will donate so it can keep the server up" instead of "Oooo, this feature sucks, I pay you to change it"/"oooo I want free Gauss pistolz and gang name I pay for it"

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it's not "ooo pay to change", it's "ooo i'll pay if the servers have features that make the game enjoyable"

which with the faction names is true


--- Quote from: cannotspace on April 30, 2011, 03:03:19 am ---it's not "ooo pay to change", it's "ooo i'll pay if the servers have features that make the game enjoyable"

which with the faction names is true

--- End quote ---
I promise, however you percieve it, those bethesda lawyers will percieve it a different way.  one word:  Lawsuit.


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 30, 2011, 03:05:45 am ---I promise, however you percieve it, those bethesda lawyers will percieve it a different way.  one word:  Lawsuit.

--- End quote ---

and you still don't get it...

It's not "paying to change"

Let me explain:

The server has some issues, and I won't donate if I feel like I'm not getting satisfied with the server. If the devs, in their own free will decide to change things and I find the server amusing, I will _donate_

Not pay for the changes, but donate because I enjoy playing in the server.

Get it now?


--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on April 30, 2011, 03:05:45 am ---I promise, however you percieve it, those bethesda lawyers will percieve it a different way.  one word:  Lawsuit.

--- End quote ---
What the fuck are you talking about!! In one word 'kick your forehead with a spinning heel'

People who playing in this game to long THEY dont give a fuck about this game!!! If 'they' dont respect a players and their suggestions or whatever else so what is the point to collect the money from the players? It should be some symbiosis not only regime!! personally i DONT give a FUCK!!


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