Other > Gang Issues

pkers in gas station

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--- Quote from: wreese2u on February 21, 2011, 09:27:18 pm ---haha, it was actually me, i was camping it for about 5 hours

i was camping it for about 5 hours
camping it for about 5 hours
about 5 hours
5 hours

--- End quote ---

hahaha another one of your ways to "control" the wasteland?

brad smalls:
yeah should come up with Murder Death Kill is taking the gas station 15:00 till taken

Dr. Mentat:

--- Quote from: wreese2u on February 21, 2011, 09:27:18 pm ---haha, it was actually me, i was camping it for about 5 hours

--- End quote ---

wha?! that was you!?!?! NOOOOOO!? i say, sir, you lay traps so cunning they make "FREE ITEMS IN BROKEN DERPZ!! {followed by several lines of russian gibberish}" seem like mere childs-play. I wish that I may grow up to be as brilliant a tactician as you. Thank you for using your uncanny gifts for the betterment of mankind...you're like the child produced if jesus had a baby with mother theresa.

Just wondering, why some players were banned recently? Lots of Banned status here... By the comments, probably pks, just wanna know to not do the same...

Yeah, they were banned because they are pk's and you are comenting on a week old topic. Cheers!


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