Other > Suggestions

Wanna play as a mutant or a ghoul?

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yes, you shouldent be able to have high int and be forced to have low int. yes, you should have lower chrisma with some humans and be shot on sight in some towns. but in broken hills you get better prices. also, if somone wants to be a mutie just have em go to vault 12 for scav skin and for the other muties just go to the military base. wontt be regular ghouls but they will still look like em
dam smoothskins

Damn.. seems like this topic got peoples attention..

I will stay out of the somewhat touchy subject of stats, and just cheer on the devs for their hard work, and trust in that they make a solid ground for us to make remarks about when they implement other playable races :)

ghouls should have 3 ch, and be alowed to trade and talk in mutant  tollerant towns. they would also be [rptected in bh and have many chances thar
gecko is thee best place for ghouls to be

Mr Feltzer:
Yeah I Agree with This, But there should be Clothes for Humans Aswell
Dude with Yellow Shirt: Rifles
Green Shirt Guy: SMG's

i like the idea realy but i think the game has more important problems.....  :'(
i mean the server lag what brings us new characters, weapons, skills, skins, races.... if we have monster lags and cant realy play nice :)

that should not be a flame only remind you  :-*


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