Author Topic: Character Animations  (Read 159637 times)

Offline LagMaster

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Re: Character Animations
« Reply #345 on: May 09, 2012, 11:06:12 pm »
nice, i like the small bit that is hanging there and then falls out

but what is the ideea with the samuray guard?

Offline Xisingr Will

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Re: Character Animations
« Reply #346 on: May 10, 2012, 03:24:46 am »
Nice work so far......can't wait till these are implented into the game   :D
I am a Medic NonCombat Carebear APK Gorgon, get over it.

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #347 on: May 10, 2012, 12:14:45 pm »
Looks real good as always Karpov.

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #348 on: May 10, 2012, 08:38:23 pm »
Japanese sword is drawn like this
Wasteland is a tricky business.

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #349 on: May 10, 2012, 09:35:10 pm »
Yep. And all the people of the wastelands should know this.

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #350 on: May 11, 2012, 12:11:15 pm »
Yep. And all the people of the wastelands should know this.

Right. Because why not.
Wasteland is a tricky business.

Offline Pryszczu666

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Re: Character Animations
« Reply #351 on: May 11, 2012, 03:54:20 pm »
You ain't got no chance to survive in wasteland, if You doesn't know how to hold a japaneese sword my friend...

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #352 on: May 11, 2012, 06:55:55 pm »
By the way it goet sheathed it might been also a machete on a magnetic clip.
A dirty machete, because noone bothers to wipe the blood off before sheathing. I have nothing more to add.

Wasteland is a tricky business.

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #353 on: May 14, 2012, 06:56:41 am »
I think some people in this thread should leave their animation attempts, when Karpov is already at it and while he doesn't tell anyone what he's doing, he's faring better than others.

Also, in my humble opinion, the community seems to not appreciate 3d that much as it was a time ago or am i in err?

Offline Luther Blissett

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Re: Character Animations
« Reply #354 on: May 14, 2012, 09:36:59 am »
There are many animations to do though - there's still a lot of extra female ones to do to even get to the equivalent of what we have in 2D - never mind any extra character models. In many elements of the 3D stuff, Karpov's work has generally been great across all fields, but we can all practice, learn and get better - and feedback through these forums is a great way of doing that. The modelling, rigging and texturing I've done more recently hasn't been brilliant, but compared to the stuff I was making prior to joining the forum (Only a little over a year ago) it's a massive improvement.

I think any work being done on other models and characters is essential, even if it's at very early stages. One of the great things about the 3D stuff is that we can import, adjust and re-export most things at any stage in the development, so we can put something together and it can be improved later, either by someone else, or ourselves as we get better.

You're probably right regarding appreciation - it's not so much a surprise though, as it's been in a "sort of nearly done" state for quite some time. There's plenty of background work being done, but on the surface it's much the same as it was half a year ago - obviously the initial excitement of such a thing diminishes over time, as people are simply waiting for the "it's done, you can play it now" :)

Offline runboy93

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Re: Character Animations
« Reply #355 on: May 14, 2012, 10:05:15 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Sword animation is good <3
But when shot another guy, his hand exploded and something gun was dropped (10mm smg don't know) and then just for second there was combat knife looking item :/

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #356 on: May 14, 2012, 08:12:19 pm »
I think some people in this thread should leave their animation attempts, when Karpov is already at it and while he doesn't tell anyone what he's doing, he's faring better than others.

We were animators like Karpov, but then we got Horatio to the knee...

Who declared you as a speaker of the community that forbids everyone else to contribute? Did you contributed anything that could be considered relevant to 3d project to judge people who are contributing?

Wasteland is a tricky business.

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #357 on: May 15, 2012, 05:01:24 pm »
Personally I think the more animations are tried to be made its the better. It doesn't really matter if the one who tries it succeed at making a good one at the first time or only after a hundred tries. Seeing people to try to contribute is a nice and useful thing.
Although it would be nice if things were a bit coordinated so animations won't get too different from each other (in style and rhythm), but its a minor thing and if critters get their own rigged and animated body even if it differs a bit could be used to test things out in Fonline. And later smoothed out or changed in a way to blend in more.

Offline Haraldx

  • This forum... The memories... The history...
Re: Character Animations
« Reply #358 on: May 15, 2012, 05:55:34 pm »
I think some people in this thread should leave their animation attempts, when Karpov is already at it and while he doesn't tell anyone what he's doing, he's faring better than others.

Also, in my humble opinion, the community seems to not appreciate 3d that much as it was a time ago or am i in err?
> Karpov was critically hit in the arms he uses for animation for 57129576125 damage and was killed.
> Karpov recieves a replication timer of 60 years.
> Progress towards 3D stops.

Don't believe me? It has happend for about 2 or 3 times now. Maybe once when Karpov gets killed by an APK and recieves his god knows how long replication timer, somebody will learn animating just as good and then we will have double or even more manpower.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.

Re: Character Animations
« Reply #359 on: May 16, 2012, 01:01:43 pm »
Sword animation is good <3
But when shot another guy, his hand exploded and something gun was dropped (10mm smg don't know) and then just for second there was combat knife looking item :/

That knife looking item looks like the SMG back in the hand of the guy getting killed. Or more precise: where the hand would have been, had he not been killed.