FOnline Development > 3D Development

Character Animations

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It can be done with no visual cost...
But you can guess what it takes when you rape normals.

Well, if it has no impact on animations (which it really shouldn't) and there are normal maps done for these models, then it definitely should be done even for slight gain. You can guess that some might be getting over 60FPS so they don't care, but for others it might be gain from 50 to 60 for example, and that is considerable amount.


--- Quote from: pistacja on December 28, 2011, 12:47:55 pm ---From 3700 to 640 vertex is a 570% improvement but 10 fps when the game runs at 300 fps is a 3% speed improvement.  Is it worth?

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i got jump from 10fps up to 80fps (what is ~ 18%, from 520fps to 613fps) and even normals aren't needed, some tricky painted shadows on textures may be enough, we got one light point for shadow, and one for camera (specular)

While I admire simplicity, there's no need to go overboard with vertex/poly reduction. Baael's work is excellent, I have no idea how he managed to reduce the vertex amount for almost 600% (was the model bloated with unwelded vertices or something?), but I personally would leave some parts excluded from this "optimisation". Especially abdomen/torso/back may show a bad reaction to skinning or strange artifacts during animations. If I learned anything from modeling and animating low poly stuff, it's better to have sufficient polys in some critical areas than try to optimise the poly count to infinity and back. And since all of the models shown here have no more than 1.5k polys, hence not a problem for in-game rendering even on some older video cards, I would drop out unnecessary reductions. Remember, vertex optimisation is still needed (and this is where baaelSiljan did great work).

@Karpov: dude, your dude is dudesome! Great work, all of you 3D maniacs!

thanks :)

--- Quote from: lisac on December 28, 2011, 02:30:23 pm ---I have no idea how he managed to reduce the vertex amount for almost 600%

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(C4D but I cannot save this model cause it is trial)

functions -> optimize -> remove unused points, remove double points, snap to 0.01

all triangles got its own points, while points may be shared, it is visible when You use hypernurbs for example:

(left is optimized, right is original)

also there are some artifacts inside model, and some doubled polygons

I'm not too much involved in such details of the optimization, as you do, guys, but I think, that there might be something, that could optimize the game performance further - along with the vertex optimization. FYI: It wasn't my own idea originally, it was said in some PM conversation between me and IvanSyomin a while ago. Back then he said, that it might be a good idea to make a texture atlases. I'll quote the description of that feature from some game-dev site, instead of trying to explain it on my own:

--- Quote from: ---Why use a texture atlas?

There are two main reasons to use a texture atlas. First, it can increase rendering speed by allowing you to batch more objects into a single draw call. For example, if all the plants in the game use just one texture atlas, then you can draw them all at the same time. Otherwise you would have to draw one group of plants, switch texture state, draw another group of plants, and so on.

Second, it allows you to use unusually-shaped textures. Most graphics cards are designed to use textures that are square and have dimensions that are powers of two, such as 256x256, 512x512, and so on. But what if you have a graphic that is 550x130? You would have to put it in the middle of a 1024x1024 texture, and waste all the extra space. Alternately, you could pack a lot of unusually-shaped textures into one square texture atlas, and hardly waste any space at all!
--- End quote ---

I think, that it perfectly fits our case, where we have a lot of models that doesn't even need a 128x128 texture, not even saying of the bigger one (this mostly applies to the items, not characters), and it could probably increase the performance only because the none of the CPU or GPU shouldn't load a bunch of small files in their memory. Of course, it would require quite a job to be redone, but I think it worth it. What do you think about it?

P.S. Great work on the optimization and animations, guys :) It really makes my day each time I see something from your recent progress.


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