FOnline Development > 3D Development

Questions and Answers 3D (read the first post before asking a question)

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--- Quote from: pistacja on March 24, 2011, 10:20:25 am ---Normal and paralax bump mapping...

--- End quote ---

Stopped reading here. Bump mapping is evil!!! It eats very much of your computer resources, it requires a whole lot of time to code in, it won't be noticabble on such small models, and it would be easier to actually make that small bump in the model itself, as it would require less computer resources and wouldn't take so long. Besides, bump mapping needs other shader features, it cannot work if there is no specual lighting for example. NO, NO and a huge NO again!


--- Quote from: Haraldx on March 24, 2011, 11:58:56 am ---Stopped reading here. Bump mapping is evil!!! It eats very much of your computer resources, it requires a whole lot of time to code in, it won't be noticabble on such small models, and it would be easier to actually make that small bump in the model itself, as it would require less computer resources and wouldn't take so long. Besides, bump mapping needs other shader features, it cannot work if there is no specual lighting for example. NO, NO and a huge NO again!

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No it does not. And TBH normals should be made for PA/APA, because they can really make a difference there. Deathclaw and other big critters might have it as well. And it'd definetly be must-have for supermutants if they are in 3D, because of their skin requiring so.
You can easily make 2 shaders here so switching wouldn't be problem at all.

--- Quote ---on such small models
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Actually, the effect is done for every pixel, so obviously less pixels there are the faster it is.

Our target is to make the models look like their original 2d paragons, nothing more. We don't aim for Crysis-like graphics.

I was thinking about 3D eviorments...does the engine support this? To make the game completly like van burren


--- Quote ---I was thinking about 3D eviorments...does the engine support this?
--- End quote ---

Yes, the engine does support this. But we aren't going to add 3d scenery.


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