FOnline Development > 3D Development

Questions and Answers 3D (read the first post before asking a question)

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Looks like it went smooth for everyone. What are the chances for those 3d models to appear on current 2238 server?


--- Quote from: Alvarez on February 04, 2013, 04:52:52 am ---This looks promising, Mr.Karpov, but you should also check the FPS with that crowd dancing or playing any other animation.

--- End quote ---

What about attacking each other, we usually abuse something similiar during wipenight, on crowded maps.

--- Code: ---void deathmatch( Critter& player, int, int, int )
Map@ map = player.GetMap();
if( !valid(map) )
player.Say( SAY_NETMSG, "Not on worldmap." );

array<Critter@> crits;
uint num = map.GetCritters( 0, FIND_ALL, crits );

for(uint i = 0; i < num; i++)
if( crits[i].IsDead() )

if( crits[i].IsPlayer() )

for( uint y = Random(0,num); y < num; y++ )
if( !crits[y].IsDead() )
AddAttackPlane(crits[i], 0, crits[y], -6);

--- End code ---
Add to debug.fos and ~run debug deathmatch 0 0 0

I have a little suggestion: the client should be able to disable temporarily the animations/switch to symbolic still frames when the FPS drops under certain level. This performance control will help prevent GPU lag.

Is it dead or no?  :'(


--- Quote from: fonliner on November 04, 2014, 08:29:25 pm ---Is it dead or no?  :'(

--- End quote ---
What? The whole 3D project? No, not dead. As long as repository exist and being updated, it's alive and well.


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