FOnline Development > 3D Development

Critters and stuff related to them

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Hmmm I had no idea it was THAT complicated. You would think 3D would have ben implicated long ago then, huh?

Well, we are the first ones doing the 3d stuff.


--- Quote from: Cryptopsy on February 18, 2011, 07:54:23 pm ---Hmmm I had no idea it was THAT complicated. You would think 3D would have ben implicated long ago then, huh?

--- End quote ---
I think I forgot some animations anyway, also a note is every animation needs 4/5 frames. Also, there is idle animation for each weapon too, that's additional frames. I give you this formula, and real life usage. Formula: Frame amount (for single anim) * character directions (FOnline uses 6 dirrections). In real life, it looks like this: 4x6=24 frames for a single animation!!!

EDIT: I just remembered, that you maybe want your new character you just made to be able to use armor! This makes EVERYTHING to go from the start. We make a single frame, where he has an armor. Then we again make all the anims needed for weapons! Now we again do ALL the directions. Usually, this ends up in over 200 9000 frames for a single character.

Once again, sorry I insist, but I think that 3d and 2d can coexist perfectly, and it would be the best choice, as we would be able to customise our dude (this is, I insist, the only part in which 3d makes sense in the first place), and keep 2d sprites for NPCs/enemies/whatever which don't need customisation and look good enough already, and look just like in the original games.

I respect all the work which is being done, but I certainly do not want FOnline to become the same as in Fallout 3: lots of mods for Hello Kitty power armor, naked girls, WWII military outfits, anime-like hairdos... I am obviously exaggerating but I do believe we would have that same "idea" behind it all if we overdose FOnline with 3d models we don't need.

Different skins for citizens of Hub/NCR/VC? No clone mobs? You really want to say you like it to have encounter Homesteaders, which basically consists of about 2 clone guys and 3 clone girls? I'm not trying to persuade you to agree me on the change for 3D, but think about it. If these are your final thoughts, fine, I won't bargain anymore!


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