Working on a tire armour

gonna post a pic later and see if you guys like it.

thar she is (untextured ofc (think texturing it good will be a b*tch -.-')
Middle brownish think is thought to be a leather-harness, the "flaps" are just smaller tires hanging, that I thought would be minor bullet protection flaps. Got any ideas or criticism just write it here

//Don't worry about the polycount, it's quite low. Also, it's really hard to make the tires smaller, that is if you think it looks too fat, it's really not that fat, it's mostly the angle of it that makes it so, might be the non-existing texture that trickes the eye a bit.
are the "flaps" a bit over the top (should they be removed)?
And I think clothes underneath the tire-armour can just be painted on the char, no need to make extra stuff (but maybe boots/something on the arms could be modeled). The polycount is uite low, 341, so no real problem there.