Other > Faction Announcements

Hello, I am new and need faction

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--- Quote from: wreese2u on February 23, 2011, 09:05:35 am ---lost children = jews and pkers

--- End quote ---

i don't get it... you call us pkers... but pking is what MDK is KNOWN for....


1) you say it like its a bad thing, and from your eyes its not...
         -which is opposite what we do


2) you're 12 and your opinion matters to no one


--- Quote from: Caviano on February 23, 2011, 09:44:10 am ---

2) you're 12 and your opinion matters to no one

--- End quote ---

couldnt have agree more :p
topic raported, should be closed after first answer.

brad smalls:
reese did i just hear the DoW say stop trolling


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