I just had played fallout 2 after... several years. It was fun to discover a diffrence between my older gameplay and present. And so, i have come with this nasty idea... why do not play as a mob? I do not quite know, is there an option for that, based on system ability, however, since the era is getting long, and becouse of lack of purpse....
User would be able to create a monster character due SPECIAL or just create account and place "previously created by GM's monster character". Such character might be, or would be, deleted after its death, so it would be "for fun" thing rather than some major "thing" that would change the game balance.
Why i'm suggesting death? Becouse, imo, the meeting with 21 lvl deathclaw could be really painfull...
So, if you want to play normally, you would be able to create "human" account and have some fun as you did before. If you are bored, or aiming for some other, nasty gameplay, you create a monster acc, based on some rules.
Imo the monster account:
- should be able to create any monster from the game, from rat [why not?] to alien.
- Monsters should be albe to lvl up, like normal players, or at least gain some hp per lvl
- They would be unable to collect gear and other major stuff, however they would be able to team up with players. Squad with merc leader and 4 aliens? why not, they are players! RP!
- human encounters [rangers, caravans and so on] would automaticli shoot at monster account user
- by monsters i do not mean creatures, that can use guns: ghouls/mutants/riders/hubologist and so on. It could be funn to log in as a "hub police officer" however i suspect that whole bunch of people would abuse it to get easy pk option.
* remember it is only a suggestion that probably will go to trash/spam/die fast. It's major pain is fact, that to "upgrade" account creation system, much shitty work is needed. However i would like to know what you, folks, are thinking about this idea.
* yep, i just wanted to get some crazy skins on my character ass