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Turbo pascal problems
Jimmy BoyX:
Hi, I'll start learning about programing but I can't run my Turbo Pascal 7.0
I have Windows 7 32 bits and when I try run Turbo Pascal I see black window about 1 sec and it closes. I can't read what is it wrong because it fast closes. Could you help me?
I run TP 7.0 from BIN/TURBO.exe
Thanks, Jimmy.
Maybe you should try something made for Windows and 32-bit instead of Turbo Pascal which was dropped in 1995. If you must use Pascal, use Delphi.
I'd recommend C++ though, and some free IDE like Code::Blocks (comes with compiler too).
Jimmy BoyX:
Sorry but I must use TP. Can you tell me how can I read text in black window? Is it way to read this?
learn C++, is not veary hard
i am the best in my class at C++, the only one with 10 on the line(in 1 year and a half, since i started highscool)
is easy to learn
also, pascal in no longer used
--- Quote from: Jimmy BoyX on February 13, 2011, 12:06:09 pm ---Sorry but I must use TP. Can you tell me how can I read text in black window? Is it way to read this?
--- End quote ---
Just start dos prompt, and run programs from there.
Fastest way was [ WIN+R, type "cmd" ] under WinXP, i hope 7 have it too :)
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