Other > Closed suggestions
talk function in game
--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on February 12, 2011, 04:20:42 pm ---I really didn't even understand the suggestion much, is he asking for ingame chat through mic or...?
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Yeah, just like that.
NCR will become an.... interesting place if this would get implemented.
Yeah, something similar to Mumble/Teamspeak, but ingame, and with the ability to spam and troll other people who do not join the same Mumble/Teamspeak as you, without typing.
and now we can make singers that can win caps from players
No, LagMaster, no. If it was implemented, nobody would do that, maybe only you, until you get shot.
"Singing" for caps is something that can be done via the chat system, for roleplaying purposes.
--- Quote from: LagMaster on February 12, 2011, 04:32:11 pm ---and now we can make singers that can win caps from players
--- End quote ---
oh god no
mute function is a must
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