Other > Gang Issues
Eyeballer and MitchWest and MitchEast HITLIST
--- Quote from: Bowlin12 on February 17, 2011, 06:55:05 am ---I think all of you need to shut it. No-one cares about our progress, someone should lock this.
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Your bitch is really adamant about telling us your trivial footsteps. No one asked.
Caviano, I don't understand why you are so mad. You are telling us our advancement is trivial. If so, they what is your point in responding? Do you just like to get the last word? Are you trying to show us that you're better than us? Sure, your little cathedral might have more memebers than us, sure maybe you have an awesome camp. Mitch is just being a trololol. Cav, I thought you were smart enough to find that and just walk away.
--- Quote from: Bowlin12 on February 17, 2011, 07:46:20 pm ---Caviano, I don't understand why you are so mad. You are telling us our advancement is trivial. If so, they what is your point in responding? Do you just like to get the last word? Are you trying to show us that you're better than us? Sure, your little cathedral might have more memebers than us, sure maybe you have an awesome camp. Mitch is just being a trololol. Cav, I thought you were smart enough to find that and just walk away.
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all i heard is "I got last word i winz"
Mitch West:
lol cavs like the 10 year old sister i never had.
--- Quote from: Mitch West on February 18, 2011, 01:13:37 am ---lol cavs like the 10 year old sister i never had.
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Trololol :P
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