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The Wasteland Professors

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brad smalls:
lol niinjas its a good idea but when wipe comes and knifes get nerfed it will not be fun anymore


--- Quote from: brad smalls on February 25, 2011, 08:40:37 pm ---lol niinjas its a good idea but when wipe comes and knifes get nerfed it will not be fun anymore

--- End quote ---

Knifes won't get "nerfed".

brad smalls:
are you fucking real what the fuck they can beat lsw and sniper rifle not possable in real life

Everything can be a deadly weapon if you have the correct build and know what you are doing.

brad smalls:
so you nerf everything but throwing knifes i may remind you in real life going up to someone with a lsw then throing a knife for 170 and killed is realisit


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