New player here. I figure I'd start out by saying the idea behind this game is awesome. I had to come here with my first major complaint though. People are trying to steal from me and I attack them only to get mowed down by the guards? That's dumb as hell.
If a thief successfully steals something from you, he/she is still protected by guards, because your character or guards didn't notice this.
In my opinion a victim of thievery should be allowed to shoot a thief even if the guards didn't notice it.And that's what makes people mad about it.
Well, you can shoot a thief even if guards didn't notice it, but your character needs to notice this. IMO it is working just fine now. Problem is most likely that stealing animation is same as using any other skill or that you are never safe from thieves. Like trading with NPCs is almost impossible in guarded towns like NCR, because the thief can just spam you with science skill and randomly with steal skill. Stealing should be impossible while the target is trading or stealing animation should be different.
jailed for your crime, forced to work your way out to freedom in specialised maps for each unguarded may include: 1. basic movement of boxes - watch out low str and small frame 2. crafting equipment - should be tedious like having to gather or request the required resources (need to refine it if involving from separate npcs all over the map or in high quantities additionally minus the exp gained but keeping your timeout.3. Gathering resources - either in large quantities minus the timeout or in a moderate amount with the gathering may be randomly thrown in to do 1 or 3 but for 2 you may just need to convince your way through.
the trial thing could make the speech skill useful.... forcing a truely, silvertongued thief.