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Author Topic: Noob needing help  (Read 2063 times)


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Noob needing help
« on: February 10, 2011, 03:53:25 am »

Im very noobish at this game, only just started! I need some tips, this game is huge and I feel like theres nothing I can do to lvl up and make caps, first off, I need to know some good, low lvl quests that I can make some quike caps from. Second, I would like to know where a good starting area is  (anywhere were the enemys are weak for a noob to lvl?) and finnaly, how do I make a tent? I heard that its essential and you need some hides from cows, but how many?

Thanks for the help guys! :D
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 03:55:25 am by Pippin »
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Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2011, 04:08:20 am »

You need 10 brahmin hides, go out of green areas, click triangle, and hold right click on the hides, then click on the skill list, click science, and you've made a tent.  (WARNING:  You can only make one tent per character, any tents you make after your previous tent are deleted the moment of new tent's creation!)

NCR or well the hub/boneyard i guess, or junktown, are great newb starting cities, DO NOT go into any northern towns right now, practically a nation of raiders and alliances are holding all the towns, killing everyone on sight, except maybe redding, but im sure since its still always a ghost town people are gettin killed.

quests are in the mentioned towns, ncr and Boneyard have the best ones for newbs, and there are some repeatables, like shoveling brahmin shit and carrying boxes off caravans.

P.s. no where are enemies weak, they are all strongs with huge guns ready to tear you apart, this game is very harsh, you are 99% likely to die 50 times before you figure out how to play the game, and will prolly ragequit by the 10th.  This game is very elitist so try to join a gang, and good fucking luck!

p.p.s. please dont ragequit, once you figure out the game it is really really fun, I promise.

If you see NPCs in town, moving around, running toward you, or simply look out of place, run for your life, they're a player's followers, and they are 99% liekly there to kill you.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 05:15:52 am by Michaelh139 »
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Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2011, 04:30:37 am »

p.p.s. please dont ragequit, once you figure out the game it is really really fun, I promise.

Ye, on average most new players will temporarily ragequit when they first die and realize they lose all unlike other babysitted mmos


- Even tho some towns are "guarded" players can still kill you (they will be shot by guards (unless they're idolized)) so in other words: Don't carry expensive stuff around towns careless

- When you see players do the "arms animation" on you just move away, they might be trying to pick pocket you
- - If they steal stuff from your inventory, but you don't see a red message on chat saying that X player failed steal, dont bother killing him, he's still protected by guards

- Make a bank account, interest rate will increase your caps

- If you happen to get a car, don't enter towns with it

- Check survival section if your build is OK, so you don't reach high lvl and then notice you messed up

- As for lvling, mantis near Hub town have 14-21 HP, 70 exp each, they're great for lvling


Oh, on NPC encounters, even "friendly" NPC groups like, say NCR, will atack you if you loot dead players / other NPCs before they do.


- Don't enter distress calls (red circles on map), it's ALWAYS a trap
- Ignore all "free stuff at X city" on radio
- Ignore 95% of stuff said on radio because it's always trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 04:48:14 am by cannotspace »
Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2011, 05:10:44 am »

if you are going to start shooting things at low level i'd probably start with a shotgun and find radscorpions, they are weaker than mantis and will only need 1 shot each and only give 10 less exp each. Also having the accurate perk on the shotgun combined with -AC mod from the shells is a double bonus for trying to shoot with very poor small guns skill.

If you can and haven't yet pumped more skillpoints into small guns >50% then go visit the gunrunners (fortress?) in boneyard, one of the guys in there will give you a small guns boost of 15%  :o

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Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2011, 07:20:58 am »

This one is little outdated, but very good reading for a newbie. I suggest to pin it to the top of Survival Guides.


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Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2011, 10:28:39 am »

you are 99% likely to die 50 times before you figure out how to play the game, and will prolly ragequit by the 10th.

so true. the 1% only permits if you are a masoschist that enjoys pain.


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Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2011, 09:49:25 pm »

Thanks guys! That was some good info :P Ill be sure not to stray into red distress calls now :D oh and one other thing, is there an easyer way of getting the hides for my tent? Cause those brahmin are kinda strong for a noob like me, can I buy hides or find them lying around anywhere?

Thanks again :D
He who is down, does not fear falling.
Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2011, 10:08:42 pm »

NCR merchants often have hides from other players.
Try taming your brahmin with a rope and selling them alive, then buying the hides you need.
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Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2011, 11:35:49 pm »

get broc / xander -> turn to weak healin powder -> sell to merchants for mausers / shotguns

Those 2 have accurate perk so they're good for beginners, then kill brahmins in turn base

Do miniquests:  (on part of receiving reward pick the last one, it gives more EXP)
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 12:13:18 am by cannotspace »


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Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #9 on: February 11, 2011, 12:09:03 am »

NCR and Hub are the best places for a newbie to hang around imo. I have always and still prefer Hub-Boneyard sector over all areas because it's easy to level up, has good trading possibilities and if you are lucky you will have some nice encounters with lots of dead bodies to loot. My first characters were crafters ( junk from the barrel oh the nostalgia  ;D ) and it helped me to get items and weaponry easily. Once I figured out the combat mechanics and difficulty of the encounters I have used trading since to get the gear I need.

It is frustrating when you die often but once you play more you will learn how to avoid dangerous situations and level easily. Once you get a tent your life will be much much easier. Don't carry too much valuable stuff at a time so if you die it won't hurt and annoy so much.

Feel free to ask for help in the game in towns. There are some very noob friendly and helpful people out there. Be aware though, there are the nasty bluesuit killers too.  I've helped new players to hunt brahmins for their first tent many times because when you know where and how to find them it doesn't take more than 15 minutes to get 10 brahmin hides.

Oh and for newbie it might be a good idea to switch on the TurnBased combat mode from the settings.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2011, 12:12:36 am by Ztormi »
Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #10 on: February 11, 2011, 11:18:55 am »

Little suggestion about weapons.

Fastest exping is imho with flamer. So include 120 or so of BG skill in your first buld. Youll level fast get familiar with game basics realize how crappy your build is delete it and make new one. Everyone have to experience it severeal times and even few times after each update.
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Re: Noob needing help
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2011, 11:43:45 am »

Here is my project for helping the newcomers. If you need help, I'm readyo to share some info about the Wasteland with you.
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