Other > Events

The Green, the Orange and the Bluesuit

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Everything else was fine

                                       [Event ended]


--- Quote from: sander on February 10, 2011, 07:59:32 pm ---Everything else was fine

--- End quote ---

Gonna be kidding me man...

First of all, i would like to ask gms: Where is ur sense of balance?

I know it is supposed to be a event pve, slaughtery and so on but... im standing in first line, wave is created and 2-3s later 1/3 of players are off due ping thing. Common, if you want to make it fun, make creatures more powerfull but do not respawm them like shit... if the waves were smaller, but had more hp it would be, imo, much better.

Or mayby the events are only for players with "strong" cpu? If yes, then please, say it next time so the owners of weaker pc could just gtfo and do something funny on their own.

Ping... 2500 - my record... reconnecting time = +30s, several times [6+] i was disconnected... fun yea?

One more thing: Gratz! you have just created EvE event!

 It was well written, so there was hope that it will be some... fun? But for me... it wasnt.

[22:18] <Wichura> it's hard to manage such thing
[22:18] <Wichura> i never realized this

Soldiers, warriors, comrades. We did it. We've defended New California Republic against the waves of barbaric hordes of the Unity. As the ally of New California Republic and it's armed forces, the Brotherhood of Steel shares some pictures from the battlefield. Thanks to gen. Izual, field commanders Event Ranger and Event Guard and all soldiers who proved themselfs on the battlefield. We shall not be forgotten.

+ good plot
+ ability to play with the famous Bozar
+ good map
+ Light Support Weapons and Super Stimpaks

- items & some bodies haven't cleaned to avoid lags
- too many NCR Rangers spawned


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