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What happened?

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server was down, afterwards my cooldowns for gathering/crafting are really long (300+minutes)

a bunch of my stuff disappeared, laser guns/deans electronic book

on another note, where can you get more electronic book in case i die with it on me?

There was a rollback. You can buy books in the Hub library.

for me it's also like roll back to yesterday, except exps ::)

haha i got my ammo back while i kept thxe exp ...shame i lost the loot / crafts :S -_- :S -_-

not sure if thats what happened to me but last night i had finally gotten a decent kit together, was 3 hides away from a tent, when my game crashed just as i ran into a bunch of mole rats. had to quickly try to load up on my laptop, to find myself with 6hp, completely surrounded by them... lost everything :-/

was a huge pissoff, needless to say.


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