Other > Gang Issues
OLDTOWN camper's!
If you wanna feel like in Žižkov, go to New Reno.
Oldtown is the very important part of the Hub. Trade, profession, Sad Wife quest... campers blows this features... sad it is.
This is still only game, so in Zizkov, somebody could rob you or beat you, but not kill you..
There is brown exit grid near Market.. so you can create tent near HUB, store there your stuff, then very quickly check and visit Oldtown and if you would be killed, you can take your stuff back.
I think that it is naive to think that city parts would fulful same purpose like in F1 or F2 game. Its natural evolution.. i agree that this is for someone very annoying, but everybody has to get his first experience about Wasteland is harsch..
I would rather see bulletin board function, so there could be ingame written information about each city.. "Beware of Oldtown robbers", "Watch out bazaar suicide killers",... . It could be written by GMs only..
Best part was when they made alts just to go Hub to rage and cry because they were banned for something they knew it was bannable :-*
it's not rly fun to ban because of this kind of action ! Do you already visit the oldtown of your city ? Cause i never sawn a secrured oldtown in real ^^
When you go in the oldtown of your city you are not instant kill by mercs.
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