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Author Topic: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry  (Read 9203 times)

Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2011, 03:35:56 am »

I just find it funny that you want to get rid of mercs and yet you want to have robot companions.
Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2011, 04:43:23 pm »

I just find it funny that you want to get rid of mercs and yet you want to have robot companions.

This entirely... I feel like he's just suggesting things that he wants to use in game xD. Nothing wrong with that actually, it shows that he likes the game :)

lol you guys sound like a bunch of angry hipsters "it's in the new games!! it must be horrible!"

Yea, as hipster as it sounds, I think it's partly true. They want to stay true to the fallout 1 and 2 timelines (I think), so emulating fallout 3 and NV in anyway would kind of take away from their initial goal. I also think they meant to restrict the kinds of tech that players are able to get, hence the unfarmable(hard to farm)/non-practical weapons like Gauss and GatlingLaser.


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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2011, 06:11:19 pm »

No. Fallout 3 is a crap. It has crappy engine, crappy plot and pointless features. It would be good as single post-apocalyptic video game, as Fallout it sucks. New Vegas is a little better, it seems that "big B" realized that thier first Fallout was a huge fail. Yes, it's possible to make good "new" isometric cRPG game, bah it's possible to make "new looking" true Fallout but then, 12 y.o. kids will don't shout "give me XXX dollars for new Video Game!!" to thier mommies and Bethesda don't earn as much caps as they wants. So it's all about buisness. It's pointless to talk about quality of games in times when money dominated video game entertainment.

About the topic. Robot mercs would be a good thing. We can hire Humans, Ghouls, even Super Mutants so why not to hire a Mr. Handy? ;-)  Seller could be located in San Francisco as the hi-tech town. 


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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2011, 02:18:51 am »

This is bullshit, this is a topic for implement robots and EMP into the game
not about the fukin crap of Fallout 3,
OK FALLOUT 3 IS A PIECE OF SHIT BUT THIS TOPIC IS NOT ABOUT IT, shit i didnt even play fo3 only NV, and dont like it
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2011, 04:04:22 am »

Because they belong there and no where else. What sense does it make to have a robot in the middle of the desert? None.
This is not Fallout 3 where Robots randomly walk through the wasteland.

I dont even want to start again... but robobrains were used in Great War  :-\ Fallout bible is unfalloutish and doesnt fit! Miracles! Also what sense do raiders and all humanity have after a nuclear war AND robots rampaging in the crater after nuclear bomb!

What sense does it make? None.
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator


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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2011, 04:08:39 am »

I dont even want to start again... but robobrains were used in Great War  :-\ Fallout bible is unfalloutish and doesnt fit! Miracles! Also what sense do raiders and all humanity have after a nuclear war AND robots rampaging in the crater after nuclear bomb!

There was no conventional war fought in California. The landscape didn't consist of almost  100% covered desert before the war. Even if there were some robots in some smaller houses, barracks etc. they are long gone due to the blastwave.
And yes, you don't have to start it again. :)


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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2011, 03:02:12 am »

Man try to be realist in a game like this is just... funny. i dont know, if you want to proof with teorys the fact of there arent many robots, but you can proof anithing whith teorys. and with cold abstract. so say "no because its imposible" is only a very useless way of dont let this game have big diversity.

this game is completely unrealistic, and this is the way of fallout

also if you want a really big and awesome history, and everything fixed, its imposible, fallout WASNT MAKE BY PROFESIONALS WRITERS, it was created for a lot of programators that want to make a continuation for Wasteland, but they couldnt because Activision have the copyright, so they create Fallout.
And the FalloutBible isnt perfect but is all we have, the games arent really precisely, and there are many inconsistences, but there are always inconsistences, (awesome games like very artistic creations like Halo or MassEffect have inconsistences between secuels and thats no matter for the canon)also fallout bible is continuing in New Vegas, yes i know NV its not a very good game but its the continuation from some programer and he was there since the begin

also if you read cientifiction you will find reasons for robots in the streets of the ruins, and im not mean actual cientifiction, im talking about the 40 or 30, and fallout is based in this, there are a lot of poetic histories about robots in streets after the human go to hell, living, surviving and dyng, and there are robobrains, BRAINS human brains, they could have consience, they could know the actual way, they could fight for survive, they could enjoy the big pleasure of cut the head off a enemy.

So roleplaying talking robots will implement the actual pve combat sistem, then we should create a good story for put them into the cities and voila good fighting, thats the purpose of the game, the fight

maybe my english is not good, but i hope you understand
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2011, 03:06:40 am »

there are robobrains, BRAINS human brains, they could have consience, they could know the actual way, they could fight for survive, they could enjoy the big pleasure of cut the head off a enemy.
Just wanna say, that after brains left the human body, they lost their personality, they can not feel anything.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2011, 03:13:55 am »

maybe and maybe dont, maybe the multiple conection in a brain can remake a new consience, whitout any conection of the past, as some robots with a very sofisticated brain (I robot) can have a consience,

but is just a point of view... thats the point, theory are useless in fonline and in fallout, if we want robots, we create a story that fit with what we want and implement those robots into the game, thats the way that games are make it, programers think in some idea, and they writters find the way of put it in the story.
so most of us want robots? whitout think in story, story comes after, thats the way a game works
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies
Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2011, 04:47:32 am »

maybe and maybe dont, maybe the multiple conection in a brain can remake a new consience, whitout any conection of the past, as some robots with a very sofisticated brain (I robot) can have a consience,

but is just a point of view... thats the point, theory are useless in fonline and in fallout, if we want robots, we create a story that fit with what we want and implement those robots into the game, thats the way that games are make it, programers think in some idea, and they writters find the way of put it in the story.
so most of us want robots? whitout think in story, story comes after, thats the way a game works

Indeed theories are useless, like the theory that this thread will go anywhere after 50+ ones just like it have died in the past.

(P.S. i dislike you for thinking mercs should be disabled and then going around and saying that robots should be added, for shame.)


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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2011, 06:32:13 pm »

"indeed theoryes are useless" thats exactly what im tryng to say, teorys in videogames are made to serve the purpose of the game, if we all want robots, we create a good theory for explain that, if we dont like robots e create a theory where they die, so.
again Surf Solar want robots?
how many players want robots?
dont think in the story the story come after

also, i dont like to disable mercs, is only a temporaly solution, when devs solution the problem, mers will be again in game, i am a slaver, so i know what you mean, but you need to think that in this times IA from original FO2 is completely useless with this mercs, so we need a solution, this is a beta, dont think in what is good to you, think in what is good for all players and the game itself
Current char: Oblivion, Oceansoul, Black Tears

Sorry for my bad english
Quote from: Santa Anna
Any action or inaction in a position of power will always grant you enemies


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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2011, 01:41:14 pm »

There was no conventional war fought in California. The landscape didn't consist of almost  100% covered desert before the war. Even if there were some robots in some smaller houses, barracks etc. they are long gone due to the blastwave.
And yes, you don't have to start it again. :)

Talking about blast, Glow is a place where a nuke fell. Fonline Robots still active, armed and defending Glow, despite in Fo1 you had to repair and switch on generator, make less sense than this suggestion. Just pointing out.  :-X
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 01:43:37 pm by kraskish »
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2011, 04:20:42 pm »

Talking about blast, Glow is a place where a nuke fell. Fonline Robots still active, armed and defending Glow, despite in Fo1 you had to repair and switch on generator, make less sense than this suggestion. Just pointing out.  :-X

Eh not really this takes place after fallout 1, so you can make the assumption that the holy vault dweller turned on the robots, was a sneak char and got by without a fight. (although he was probably sad about having 10 int and  skilled for a trait)
« Last Edit: February 14, 2011, 04:23:39 pm by Slaver Snipe »


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Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2011, 08:17:23 pm »

Its Easy:

1.- Implement the pulse weapons YK38 and YK42B for crafting, and make they only do EMP damage, not electrical, and dont nerf it
2.- Put EMP damage and make every lifing creature has 300% DR, and robots nothing
3.- Implement robots in most places of the wasteland, and in encounters too maybe in the desert of middle map, near glow and in cityes terrain. i mean Mr gutsy, robobrain, eyebot, everyone.
4.- Make Robots a high DT and DR against everything but EMP and electrical damage
5.- Robots will have things like SEC, metal parts, electronic parts in his inventory at die. Powerful robots will have MFC and even Goodmetalparts and Highqualityalloys, only one of course.
6.- For pvp purposes, a new trait: "Cyborg": you have high resistance against radiation and poison, and -30% of being crippled, and 4DT against fire, but no resistance against EMP.
7.- Make robobrain use some guns, (if they have the correct animation) as in Glow
8.- also could be good if its done a Pulse grenade with EMP damage

as i see is easy to implement, and dont damage the stability of the game

also will be good craft robots, or the posibility of slave them.  need a buyable perk to craft them and 150 repair and 150 cience, maybe you cant get it in BOS or enclave or buy it in Sanfran
Robot mercs with plasma FTW
Re: Implement Robots, EMP and Pulse Weaponry
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2011, 08:45:34 pm »

This is bullshit, this is a topic for implement robots and EMP into the game
not about the fukin crap of Fallout 3,
OK FALLOUT 3 IS A PIECE OF SHIT BUT THIS TOPIC IS NOT ABOUT IT, shit i didnt even play fo3 only NV, and dont like it

Well, that's fine. I don't think it would hurt to speak of it in regards to suggesting some, possibly very limited instances of Protectrons though. I know it isn't "original", but then the Robby The Robot design does fit, and Powder Gangers, a hold over from Van Buren, and something that is in New Vegas, (also inspired by Van Buren) are in the game. I think it might be amusing to find them in a limited number of city tiles, at least. It's something more interesting than shooting yet another punk raider with a spear.
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