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Author Topic: Unkillible/undestructible Vendors in some area  (Read 965 times)

Unkillible/undestructible Vendors in some area
« on: February 24, 2010, 08:03:08 pm »

It will be very fine, if in some area will be some of things like "vendor", what can be rent for period of time. In that "vendor" you can place items for some price and payment can be done only by caps. Also, need to have a lot of guards there. And "vendors" can not be killed. So crafter will sell they stuff. Price for it, need to be high.


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Re: Unkillible/undestructible Vendors in some area
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 08:24:52 pm »

the caps within the 1st day will all be gione, after all, not only you are going to use the vendors new function, i have about 70 or so 14mm pistols that i want to make into caps right now...
sorry to say, but it will be so overused that the caps you might get per day may be 1-2, remember the 1% interest that the flc gave once upon a time, how long did that last, 0.5-2 days (ingame)?
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 08:31:52 pm by gordulan »
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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Re: Unkillible/undestructible Vendors in some area
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2010, 08:30:01 pm »

i would agree with this only if that vendor would be in glow and he would like to chat for 30 minutes before trading.


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Re: Unkillible/undestructible Vendors in some area
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 12:04:45 am »

i would agree with this only if that vendor would be in glow and he would like to chat for 30 minutes before trading.

Thats a fun idea  :P
Gussiplurr - active
Re: Unkillible/undestructible Vendors in some area
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 12:17:23 am »

the caps within the 1st day will all be gione, after all, not only you are going to use the vendors new function, i have about 70 or so 14mm pistols that i want to make into caps right now...
sorry to say, but it will be so overused that the caps you might get per day may be 1-2, remember the 1% interest that the flc gave once upon a time, how long did that last, 0.5-2 days (ingame)?

I got close to 100k in the bank right after the wipe to collect the interest and it was 0% like the next day. :/
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