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The Exit Reporters #7 Peacekeepers Disband

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Just check what is the first thread on a second page of FanArt subforum:) Now you understand?;)


--- Quote from: kttdestroyer on February 11, 2011, 07:29:39 pm ---Not sure it will work good. The thing is, how will people know that there is new issue out? They can see that i post message, but it is not nessecery a new issue, and if i do post a new issue someone else post comment on it, how will others then know its not comment on old issue but a new one (They can look on the post name, will they remember the old name?)? The thing is, that the news must be delivered on time, some news read 1 week later doesint make sense at all. The diffrence between "art" and "news" is that, artist makes a gallery, news is only some fact based short story... And how will i know which story worked and which didint (feedback / "which issue is this comment for??")?

Well, i guess i can give it a try. But, i am sceptical about this.

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Well that just ruins the ENTIRE idea behind a periodical , such as a newspaper, or a digital newspaper based around some mmo. Don't do it KTT.


--- Quote from: Gorlak on February 12, 2011, 09:17:07 am ---Well that just ruins the ENTIRE idea behind a periodical , such as a newspaper, or a digital newspaper based around some mmo. Don't do it KTT.

--- End quote ---
Surf tells a thing, Bob say's other

who will you trust? the trolling Global Mod, or the trustfull GM?

Trust the forum moderator.

I suggest a compromise. Two Topics. First one is where he posts the new ones, second one is the archive of the News posted before. It could work like this:

1. Topic --> The Exit Reporters #8 (new one) --> edit post and write new one in here, edit topic name too of course
                  The Exit Reporters #7 (the one before that obv ;)) --> delete and move (c/p) to
2. Topic (archive)
                  The Exit Reporters #7 (copy paste from the first topic) --> new post in archive topic
                  The Exit Reporters #6
                  The Exit Reporters #5
This way, at least, you would have one sticky news topic and because of the second one (archive) there don't have to be new topics for each News Thread.


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