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Blind master / DareDevil
Wilder / Cannibal
I'm too shy to admit aloud the fact, that you are genius,sir
No boosts for melee chars are needed. At all

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Author Topic: Suggestions on melee char improvement(again)  (Read 1406 times)


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Suggestions on melee char improvement(again)
« on: February 08, 2011, 08:58:33 am »

I think one  of this Traits should be implemented to help melee users (They are pretty similar, so we need to choose one and somehow make devs to implement it).

Statements with "+" before it are obligatory.
Statements with "-" are just "possible" and free-to-discuss-about.

Blind master / DareDevil
Desc.: You were blinded in your early childhood. Since that you are blind. You just can't see. And you never will. In fact you are blinder than anyone ever will be.

+(suddenly)You are blind (can be done by permanent "eye damage" so you won't have 95% chance-to-hit even with 300% in gun skill)
+You are blind so maximum PE value is lowered to 6 (you will always have 1 PE in game due to eye damage, but you can still pick perks if you  have enough "basic" PE)
-You had no possibility to read books or smth so maximum IN value is lowered to 6

+HUGE boost to unarmed\melee skill (75 or more)
-Sharpshooter perk at start(just to make FOV 6 hexes wider) - you can't see but you can hear pretty good.
-A small bonus to ST & AG (e.g. +1 to both)
       6-12 bonus to melee dmg
        "weapon handling" perk at start(you sacrificed all your time to master your melee skill so now you can use any melee weapon, independant on it's weight, size or even color).

Wilder / Cannibal
Desc.: After leaving the vault you lived among canibals for a long-long time. You like to eat-eat fresh human meat, but usual  people don't like-like you.

+You just don't know how to use shooting things
+You spent a lot of time with tribals (Max. IN is lowered to 4)
+Hey! Stop looking at me like i'm food! (Max. CH is lowered to 3 OR to 1)

+HUGE boost to unarmed\melee skill (75 or more)
+"Living Anatomy" perk at start (you know how to carve humanz)
- 6-12 bonus to melee dmg
      2 x "Bonus move" perks at start (feet feed the predator)
     +5-10% crit chance

Desc: Guess, what... you're professional boxer.
+Max IN is lowered to 4 or 6
+can use unarmed weapons only
+HUGE boost to unarmed skill (75 or more)
+ 6-12 bonus to melee dmg
+ 5-15% bonus to crit chance

Too tired to continue.

P.S.: Melee fighters need your help!
There are only a few effective PvP fighter builds(with unsignificant variations):
1.  high-hp, 2-bursts,bg users are effective
2.  med-hp, 1-eye-shot[2-limb-shot] sg/ew snipers can be very effective , but they rely only on their luck(i mean on random() rolls, not in-game luck)
3.  some "gunslinger" builds are sometimes effective
4.  high-hp, tough, melee chars can be effective only in certain strict conditions(e.g. 1vs1 melee duel).
Let melee chars take a part in PvP too!
« Last Edit: February 08, 2011, 10:11:19 am by sander »
My English sux. I bet your Russian sux better.©


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Re: Suggestions on melee char improvement(again)
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 10:29:47 am »

this reminds me on my gatherer/HtH caracter BlindMaster, he has 3 int and 1 CH and also 1 PE

and yes, HtH/Melle shoud be boosted more, the autprun is a nice featcure


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Re: Suggestions on melee char improvement(again)
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 11:01:46 am »

this reminds me on my gatherer/HtH caracter BlindMaster, he has 3 int and 1 CH and also 1 PE

and yes, HtH/Melle shoud be boosted more, the autprun is a nice featcure

Running speed penalities would be a great boost for melee users, but it's impossible to implement such feature now (as i know).

The system i wanted to suggest seems like:
-When you wear tier2 armor or better your running speed is reduced by 20%
-When you wield (in active hand) any BG or 2-handed EW  your running speed is reduced by 25%
-When you wield any 2-handed SG or 1-handed EW your running speed is reduced by 15%
-When you wear any other weapon except unarmed weapons your running speed is reduced by 5%

OR just

Your running speed is reduced by (your_max_capacity/(inventory_weight*100)) percent.

The second variant seems pretty nice to me.

Also running speed should be affected by AG and EN

I repeat: there is no possible way to do this in current 2d era.
My English sux. I bet your Russian sux better.©
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