Other > Events
Christmas Event
Due to the offline status of the server, we were unable to make the Christmas Event earlier.
That's why it starts today, 27/12/09
Here is how the event works.
Easter eggs (Unique items) will be well hidden in a town. You will all be warned of it, and everybody will be able to look for the eggs. Once you have one or more, keep them carefully. Later, a GM will call everyone that have eggs, to exchange them against some REALLY good stuff. Power Armors.
Those PAs will remain in game after the event ends... And the only way to get one of those brand new armors is to find the eggs... yeah ! Santa Claus is generous, this year.
Enjoy, lads... It's christmas time !
Some of the lucky winners that got one or few Power Armors !
I miss all the fun stuff. :(
yea me too.bummer :-\
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