Other > Closed suggestions

Traits more reasonable?

(1/2) > >>

There are pairs of traits that should not be taken both - it simply makes no sense. I'm talking about Bruiser and Small Frame, Chem Resistant and Chem Reliant, Finesse and Heavy Handed. IMO if player decides to choose one of them, the another should not be avialable to take.  :)

Don't worry. Nobody is taking them anyway in that configuration.

It's the players choice to take whatever trait he wants to... and if he can't decide, he doesn't have to take a trait at all.

Yes, I understand you, but my aim was to point a nonsense (being big/small at the same time, being resistant/reliant at the same time etc.), not to reduce player's freedom. If you like it as it is for now, that's fine. :)

I have 3 character with finesse/HH , and it works damn good , fyi   8)


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