Other > Closed suggestions
Make game to look more like fallout 1,2
Nick In:
I diedd'n say all time to be TB.I say when you hit somone will become TB no matter where you are
And not the world to be in tb if you are in a fight,only the town or place you are
--- Quote from: runboy93 on February 01, 2011, 07:11:02 am ---1. TB is too slow and they should leave option for quick battles.
2. FO1 was anyway too easy game right ;)
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well i dieden't say to make them more weeker just a bit for example from 100hp to 80hp
Slaver Snipe:
They didn't say that you said to make the world in TB, go play some TC and realize why its a terrible idea, or better yet imagine one player firing one shot in NCR and everybody going into TB. Nice waste of an hour sitting there.
Why Real Time Combat mode should be removed? You can set Turn Based as default mode, ehh...
Doctor Eex:
Once I was in NCR in TB. That was so exciting ;D
--- Quote ---I say when you hit somone will become TB no matter where you are
--- End quote ---
;D eternal TB in NCR ;D
--- Quote ---2Make mobsters a bit weeker(IN FO1 i cood kill riders with leather armor and 10mm pistol,In Fonline at level6 with metal armor and still kiing my ass)
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In Fonline, the best armor for <21 level is bluesuit. Level 6 is not a warrior. In FO you were Chosen One. Now you one of hundreds bluesuits. Feel the difference.
Tell me, Nick In, do you really believe something like what you suggested will ever be done?
--- Quote from: Doctor Eex on February 01, 2011, 03:29:32 pm ---In FO you were Chosen One. Now you one of hundreds bluesuits. Feel the difference.
--- End quote ---
These are some of the wisest words around here. I wish more people thought the same way.
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