Other > Faction Announcements

Looking for a faction


Hi all , Ive havnt played since late wipe, but am back and looking for a faction that can help me while im low level. Once i level up my crafting i will deffinatly help out as much as possible. My current character is going to be an SG crafter and once hes lvl3 SG i will be creating either an Armourer/Hunter or a Slaver character that will focus on Smallguns, throwing and outdoorman.
If anyone has a spot available in an active experienced clan, please let me know


TJDC (The Judgement Day Club) has openings, feel free to post your application, I have PM you!!!

brad smalls:
join the merder death kill empire as non of these other factions do we tc and we are pker so if your looking for apk sorry


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