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New Player Perspective / How (Why?) I Play + One Question

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Try travelling to southern cities - they are much safer. You are less likely to die there... I was wandering at north, had 7 lvl and nothing valuable. When I get to the Junktown, or Hub, i've met one guy, and now we're playing together. Making simple weapons, armors and ammo isn't that hard now, and I don't get killed that often.

thanks a lot guys, especially that nice breakdown of skill requirements. very invaluable (especially right before levelling up). heading to the hub / boneyard now.

shame about the north cause that was a really easy way to get a decent foothold. oh well, new tricks to learn

Thanks for the nice instructions there! I had no idea how to get fibers. (Which i needed to make a jacket untill i luckily came across one in the item shop in NCR.)

Also set a up bank as soon as possible there! much more central location compared to hub and a more diverse types of player converge there.

From my experience, i was never killed in Klamath before, but was killed many times in Reno, so claiming that north/south is dangerous/safe is not very accurate...

Junktown, NCR, VC are the guarded towns, but that doesnt mean that they are safe either XD
(I was killed in VC because i wanted to talk to an inner gate guard, but instead of the "face" curcor, i got a "hand" cursor, reached for the gate, and boomheadshot. This is a notorious bug, some objects are not intercative, unless i scroll an inch away. In NCR i was killed 2 times, once i forgot to put my weapon away, and the next i was working at the workbench with a bunch of people, than all of a sudden the guards went crazy and shot us for...apparently no reason i guess :S)

In klamath i met some people with big guns but they were friendly.. Made fun of me for shoveling shit but it was a nice experience...Unlike Den for example where i get hit by a rocket or minigun half of the time, right after i load the map.. Modoc is the same, few people minding there own business shoveling shit 1 time, then the next i see a group of people in metal armors quadwielding godlike endboss deathrays from hell and im dead before i could say "umm..."
New Reno is the same story...
My rule no. 1: If you see random russian text, its time to exit stage left :D
I've actually used that rule to my advantage before, i switched to russian layout, and shouted some random gibberish. Few players ran away so its fairly effective :D


--- Quote from: Narwhal on January 26, 2010, 03:47:29 pm ---Another boon for my start-up approach is buying cheap brass knuckles in or around Modoc, and having Mook upgrade them to Spiked for free

--- End quote ---

Where is this "Mook" NPC??


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