Other > Closed suggestions

Donations, and stingy bastards..


Hey, I know what your thinking.... You donate to help the community..Blah, Blah..But what if we throw in a reward...The server will get a large amount of money for adding rewards...And its not like your giving out caps....or perks. A car wont break the economy or Over power anyone...So, why not?

It was made pretty clear that this will never happen. Besides, is there realy a need for more money? If there would be devs would surely ask us.


--- Quote from: Bantz on January 27, 2011, 03:52:34 pm ---It was made pretty clear that this will never happen.
--- End quote ---

Exactly. Will never happen, we posted about it pretty often in various threads.

Also the reason for this isn't to not break the economy.


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