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Changelog 26/01/2011
the first time i download fonline i get the same problem of bugged launcher, and i was playing fine, so its not about reinstalling
actually is downloading, and i hope it works
Thank you so much.
This: - Added 2238-specific client config tool for configuring display and key bindings
Will balancing the pvp so much.
Love all who help to add this to the game.
--- Quote from: August 30, 2010 Changelog --- * Assault Rifle increased to 14-23 damage, increased to 12 shots per burst and magazine increased to hold the same number of bursts in normal and extended.
--- End quote ---
This is from the August 30 changelog:
So, you can burst an Assault Rifle 3 times with the 36-ammo magazine.
But your description states "...Hold the same number of bursts in normal and extended". Does this mean that the Assault Rifle exp. mag. should also use all of its 60 ammo in 3 bursts? (20 bullet burst)? It seems overpowered, but is how it should be? Because the Assault Rifle exp. mag. also does 12-ammo bursts, maybe I just misunderstand your description.
i made it...
i eliminate everything, and download it again, the fo launcher bug was solved.
but i still getting this
Engine initialization...
DirectInput initialization...
DirectInput initialization complete.
Sprite manager initialization...
Sprite manager initialization complete.
Sound manager initialization...
Sound manager initialization complete.
Loaded<123> critter types.
Load scripts...
Old version of scripts.
Interface initialization.
Load data.
Load sprites.
Interface initialization complete.
Item manager initialization...
Item manager initialization complete.
Hex field initialization...
Hex field initialization complete.
Engine initialization complete.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>.
Network init...
Connecting to server<>.
Connecting successful.
Network init successful.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>.
Traffic transfered statistics, in bytes:
Send<191> Receive<802339> Sum<802530>.
Disconnect success.
Script::PrepareContext - Invalid bind id<0>.
Engine finish...
Traffic transfered statistics, in bytes:
Send<191> Receive<802339> Sum<802530>.
Disconnect success.
Resource manager finish...
Resource manager finish complete.
Hex field finish...
Hex field finish complete.
Sprite manager finish...
Sprite manager finish complete.
Sound manager finish.
Sound manager finish complete.
Engine finish complete.
FOnline finished.
it stuck in the art of the begin, if i press Esc i get to the old fonline pant, and say: "executing start script failure"
please help me :'( i really love this game
i forget to say: i dont download this "New setup for the 19/11/2010 update" but that time i make the actualization succesfull, and i play without problems, should i download it?
i guess you need to do 2 updates.
Coz I did one time and appear to me this message "script failure blablabla".
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